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Code style and quality guide

1 Pull Requests & Changes Rule

  1. ISSUE/PR(pull request) driving and naming

    • Ensure that PR corresponds to ISSUE.

    Note: Hotfix issue does not need to follow this rule, such as fixing spelling errors in JavaDoc or document files.

    • Title naming format
      When naming PR, you can refer to the [ISSUE-XXXX][Feature/Improve/Refactor/Bug/Cleanup] Title of the pull request, where ISSUE-XXXX should be replaced with the actual ISSUE number.
      • The second part describes the type of PR, such as new features, improvement, refactor, etc.
      • If all changes to PR are within a certain module or component, they can be indicated in the commit message.
  2. Description

    • Please fill in the PR template to describe the contribution. So that the reviewer can understand the problem and solution from the description, rather than just from the code.
    • Ensure that the description is sufficient to illustrate the problem addressed by the PR.
    • Small changes do not require too much description.
    • In an ideal scenario, the problem is described in ISSUE, and most of the description is copied from there.
  3. Try to break down changes into pure types of changes

    • It's recommended that PR should be arranged changes such as Cleanup, Refactor, Improve, and Feature into separated PRs/Commits.
    • In this way, the reviewers can independently view cleaning and refactoring, and ensure that these changes do not change behavior.
    • Then, the reviewer can independently review the core changes and ensure that they are a clean and robust change.
    • In extreme cases, if a rollback commit is required, it can provide the optimal granularity for version rollback selection.
    • In addition, significant contributions should be split into a set of independent changes that can be reviewed independently.
  4. Commit message
    The commit of messages should follow a pattern similar to the PR: [ISSUE-XXXX][Feature/Improve/Refactor/Cleanup] Title of the pull request.

    • [ISSUE-xxxx1][Improve(ment)] Improve ...
    • [ISSUE-xxxx2][Refactor] Refactor ...
    • [ISSUE-xxxx3][Feature] Support ...
    • [ISSUE-xxxx4][Bug] Fix ...
    • [ISSUE-xxxx5][Feature][subtask] Support ...
    • [Hotfix][module_name] Fix xxx comments ...

Note: Try to use git history instead of annotated code (not mandatory)

2 Code Checkstyle

  • Backend code formatting Maven plugin: spotless Just run mvn spotless:apply in the project repo root directory after installing the plugin.

  • Backend code specification Maven plugin: checkstyle Just run mvn checkstyle:checkstyle after installing the plugin.

  • Frontend code formatting plugin eslint

    • The original command is npx eslint --cache --max-warnings 0 "{src,mock}/**/*.{vue,ts,tsx}" --fix
    • Encapsulated as npm run lint:eslint

3 Programming Specification

3.1 Naming Style

  1. Prioritize selecting nouns for variable naming, it's easier to distinguish between variables or methods.

      Cache<String> publicKeyCache;
  2. Pinyin abbreviations are prohibited for variables (excluding nouns such as place names), such as chengdu.

  3. It is recommended to end variable names with a type.
    For variables of type Collection/List, take xxxx (plural representing multiple elements) or end with xxxList (specific type).
    For variables of type map, describe the key and value clearly:

      Map<Long, User> idUserMap;
    Map<Long, String> userIdNameMap;
  4. That can intuitively know the type and meaning of the variable through its name.
    Method names should start with a verb first as follows:

      void computeVcores(Object parameter1);

    Note: It is not necessary to strictly follow this rule in the Builder tool class.

  5. The methods name of basic CRUD of the database layer (non-service layer) should be uniformly standardized according to name com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper:

    • If performing a database query operation, the method name should start with select.

      When querying a single record, you can use selectXxx, such as selectApp.

      When querying multiple records, you can use selectXxxs to indicate a collection result, such as selectApps. If the entity ends with s, you can use List, such as selectStatusList.

      If the result is paginated, you can use selectPage. If the result is a Map, it is recommended to follow the Map naming conventions, such as selectIdUserMap.

      When the query includes specific conditions, you can use selectXxxByXxx naming, such as listById or selectAppsByProjectId.

      In cases of excessively long entity names, consider abbreviating judiciously. The principle is to be “clear and concise.” For example, selectApplications can be abbreviated to selectApps. However, if there is no suitable abbreviation, abbreviation is not recommended. For Mapper queries like selectRecentK8sClusterIds, you can also adopt the selectList naming convention.

    • If perform a database update statement operation, the name of the method should be started with update

    • If perform a database insert statement operation, the name of the method should be started with insert

    • If perform a database delete statement operation, the name of the method should be started with delete

  6. The methods name of basic CRUD of the service layer should be named as com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.IService:

    • If perform a database select operation to query multiple records, the name of the method should be started with a list, such as listByIds, listByXxx
    • If perform a database select operation to query a single record, the name of the method should be started with get, such as getByName and getOne
    • If perform a database update operation, the name of the method should be started with update
    • If perform a database insert operation, the name of the method should be started with save
    • If perform a database delete operation, the name of the method should be started with remove
  7. Naming of parameters

    • It's best to maintain consistent parameter naming for parameters of the same type in the same interface.

3.2 Constant Variables Definition

  1. Set the serialVersionUID of all classes to 1L, following Flink's serialVersionUID.

    • Negative demo:

        private static final long serialVersionUID = -8713837118340960775L;
    • Positive demo:

       private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  2. Redundant strings should be extracted as constants

    If a constant has been hardcoded twice or more times, please directly extract it as a constant and change the corresponding reference. In generally, constants in log can be ignored to extract.

    • Negative demo:

      public static RestResponse success(Object data) {
      RestResponse resp = new RestResponse();
      resp.put("status", "success");
      resp.put("code", ResponseCode.CODE_SUCCESS);
      resp.put("data", data);
      return resp;

      public static RestResponse error() {
      RestResponse resp = new RestResponse();
      resp.put("status", "error");
      resp.put("code", ResponseCode.CODE_FAIL);
      resp.put("data", null);
      return resp;
    • Positive demo:

      Strings are extracted as constant references.

        public static final String STATUS = "status";
      public static final String CODE = "code";
      public static final String DATA = "data";

      public static RestResponse success(Object data) {
      RestResponse resp = new RestResponse();
      resp.put(STATUS, "success");
      resp.put(CODE, ResponseCode.CODE_SUCCESS);
      resp.put(DATA, data);
      return resp;

      public static RestResponse error() {
      RestResponse resp = new RestResponse();
      resp.put(STATUS, "error");
      resp.put(CODE, ResponseCode.CODE_FAIL);
      resp.put(DATA, null);
      return resp;
  3. Ensure code readability and intuitiveness

  • The string in the annotation symbol doesn't need to be extracted as constant.

  • The referenced package or resource name doesn't need to be extracted as constant.

  1. Variables that have not been reassigned must also be declared as final types.

  2. About the arrangement order of constant/variable lines

    Sort the variable lines in the class in the order of

    1. public static final V, static final V,protected static final V, private static final V
    2. public static v, static v,protected static v, private static v
    3. public v, v, protected v, private v

3.3 Methods Rule

  1. Sort the methods in the class in the order of public, protected, private

    Static methods of a class can be placed after non-static methods and sorted according to consistent method visibility.

  2. When there are restrictions on the method, the parameters and returned values of the method need to be annotated with @Nonnull or @Nullable annotations and constraints.

    For example, if the parameter cannot be null, it is best to add a @Nonnull annotation. If the returned value can be null, the @Nullable annotation should be added first.

    Note: that the package name is javax.validation.requirements
  3. If there are too many lines of code in the method, please have a try on using multiple sub methods at appropriate points to segment the method body.

    Generally speaking, it needs to adhere to the following principles:

    • Convenient testing
    • Good semantics
    • Easy to read

    In addition, it is also necessary to consider whether the splitting is reasonable in terms of components, logic, abstraction, and other aspects in the scenario.

    However, there is currently no clear definition of demo. During the evolution process, we will provide additional examples for developers to have a clearer reference and understanding.

3.4 Collection Rule

  1. For collection returned values, unless there are special concurrent (such as thread safety), always return the interface, such as:

    • returns List if use ArrayList
    • returns Map if use HashMap
    • returns Set if use HashSet
  2. If there are multiple threads, the following declaration or returned types can be used:

  private CurrentHashMap map;
public CurrentHashMap funName();
  1. Use isEmpty() instead of length() == 0 or size() == 0

    • Negative demo:

      if (pathPart.length() == 0) {
    • Positive demo:

      if (pathPart.isEmpty()) {

3.5 Concurrent Processing

  1. The thread pool needs to be managed, using a unified entry point to obtain the thread pool.

    Note: During the evolution process, we will provide additional examples for developers to have a clearer reference and understanding.
  2. Thread pool needs to be resource constrained to prevent resource leakage caused by improper handling

3.6 Control/Condition Statements

  1. Avoid unreasonable condition/control branches order leads to:

    • Multiple code line depths of n+1
    • Redundant lines

Generally speaking, if a method's code line depth exceeds 2+ Tabs due to continuous nested if... else.., it should be considered to try

  • merging branches,
  • inverting branch conditions
  • extracting private methods

to reduce code line depth and improve readability like follows:

  • Union or merge the logic into the next level calling
    • Negative demo:
        if (isInsert) {
      } else {
    • Positive demo:
  • Merge the conditions
    • Negative demo:
        if (expression1) {
      if(expression2) {
    - Positive demo:  
    if (expression1 && expression2) {
  • Reverse the condition
    • Negative demo:

        public void doSomething() {
      // Ignored more deeper block lines
      // .....
      if (condition1) {
      } else {
    • Positive demo:

        public void doSomething() {
      // Ignored more deeper block lines
      // .....
      if (!condition1) {
      // ...
  • Using a single variable or method to reduce the complex conditional expression
    • Negative demo:

        if (dbType.indexOf("sqlserver") >= 0 || dbType.indexOf("sql server") >= 0) {
    • Positive demo:

        if (containsSqlServer(dbType)) {
      // definition of the containsSqlServer

Using sonarlint and better highlights to check code depth looks like good in the future.

3.7 Code Comments Rule

  1. Method lacks comments:

    • When: When can the method be called
    • How: How to use this method and how to pass parameters, etc.
    • What: What functions does this method achieve
    • Note: What should developers pay attention to when calling this method
  2. Missing necessary class header description comments.

    Add What, Note, etc. like mentioned in the 1.

  3. The method declaration in the interface must be annotated.

    • If the semantics of the implementation and the annotation content at the interface declaration are inconsistent, the specific implementation method also needs to be rewritten with annotations.

    • If the semantics of the method implementation are consistent with the annotation content at the interface declaration, it is not recommended to write annotations to avoid duplicate annotations.

  4. The first word in the comment lines need to be capitalized, like param lines, return lines. If a special reference as a subject does not need to be capitalized, special symbols such as quotation marks need to be noted.

3.8 Java Lambdas

  1. Prefer non-capturing lambdas (lambdas that do not contain references to the outer scope). Capturing lambdas need to create a new object instance for every call. Non-capturing lambdas can use the same instance for each invocation.

    • Negative demo:

        map.computeIfAbsent(key, x -> key.toLowerCase())
    • Positive demo:

       map.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> k.toLowerCase());
  2. Consider method references instead of inline lambdas

    • Negative demo:

        map.computeIfAbsent(key, k-> Loader.load(k));
    • Positive demo:

        map.computeIfAbsent(key, Loader::load);

3.9 Java Streams

  • Avoid Java Streams in any performance critical code.

  • The main motivation to use Java Streams would be to improve code readability. As such, they can be a good match in parts of the code that are not data-intensive, but deal with coordination.

  • Even in the latter case, try to limit the scope to a method, or a few private methods within an internal class.

3.10 Pre-Conditions Checking

  1. Use a unified Utils.requireXXX to complete the validation of the prerequisite, and if possible, replace the AlertXXException.throwIfXXX by new pre-conditions checking.

3.11 StringUtils

  1. Use StringUtils.isBlank instead of StringUtils.isEmpty

    • Negative demo:

      if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) {
    • Positive demo:

      if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) {
  2. Use StringUtils.isNotBlank instead of StringUtils.isNotEmpty

    • Negative demo:

      if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(name)) {
    • Positive demo:

      if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(name)) {
  3. Use StringUtils.isAllBlank instead of StringUtils.isAllEmpty

    • Negative demo:

      if (StringUtils.isAllEmpty(name, age)) {
    • Positive demo:

      if (StringUtils.isAllBlank(name, age)) {

3.12 Enum Class

  1. Enumeration value comparison

    • Negative demo:

      if (status.equals(JobStatus.RUNNING)) {
    • Positive demo:

      if (status == JobStatus.RUNNING) {
  2. Enumeration classes do not need to implement Serializable

    • Negative demo:

      public enum JobStatus implements Serializable {
    • Positive demo:

      public enum JobStatus {
  3. Use instead of Enum.toString()

    • Negative demo:

    • Positive demo:

  4. Enumeration class names uniformly use the Enum suffix

    • Negative demo:

      public enum JobStatus {
    • Positive demo:

      public enum JobStatusEnum {

3.13 Deprecated Annotation

  • Negative demo:

    public void process(String input) {
  • Positive demo:

    public void process(String input) {

4 Exception Processing

This streampark-console-service module is the core module for processing user requests. It's very necessary to strive to provide the best user experience.
So, we introduced the AbstractApiException and its subclasses to get more friendly interaction effect. Non-AbstractApiException is treated as internal server errors correspondingly, which needn't notify the interaction details to users.
Based on the above premise, we need to pay attention to the handling of AbstractApiException.
For example, we should throw an exception by one of followed subclasses of AbstractApiException when processing logic with the user operation errors or missing data errors:

An exception message that needs to be notified to front-end, is a detailed exception message, such as the stackTrace info, often accompanied by a large number of exception logs, e.g: Failed to start job, need to display the exception(stackTrace info) to front-end.

An exception message that needs to be notified to front-end, usually a simple, clear message, e.g:

  1. Username already exists
  2. No permission, please contact the administrator
  3. ...

An exception message that needs to be notified to front-end when processing alert logic.

  • Or others exceptions used to get fine users interaction.

In addition to handling the classification of exceptions, we'd better make the precise and concise exception message and try to ensure the follows in the exception:

  • Display the current status of the abnormal case.
  • Display the solutions to the abnormal case.
  • Or others information fit the pretty interaction.

Please click Issue-2325 for more details about the items if needed.

5 Log

  1. Use placeholders for log output:

    • Negative demo"Deploy cluster request " + deployRequest);
    • Positive demo"load plugin:{} to {}", file.getName(), appPlugins);
  2. Pay attention to the selection of log level when printing logs

    When printing the log content, if the actual parameters of the log placeholder are passed, it is necessary to avoid premature evaluation to avoid unnecessary evaluation caused by the log level.

    • Negative demo:

      Assuming the current log level is INFO:

       // ignored declaration lines.
      List<User> userList = getUsersByBatch(1000);
      LOG.debug("All users: {}", getAllUserIds(userList));
    • Positive demo:

      In this case, we should determine the log level in advance before making actual log calls as follows:

       // ignored declaration lines.
      List<User> userList = getUsersByBatch(1000);
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("All ids of users: {}", getAllIDsOfUsers(userList));

6 Testing

  1. For some of the code/variables used for testing, you can use @VisableForTesting annotation to indicate that

  2. It's recommended to use JUnit5 to develop test case preparation

  3. Using AssertJ to develop assertions statements.

  4. About the implementation of tests.

    • If the test case only tests an independent class or method that does not require external components such as hadoop, remote flink session cluster, etc., it can be written directly using JUnit5 & Mockito.

    • If the test case needs a real database, environment or backend environment, but doesn't need to interact with external components, it's recommended to inherit directly from SpringUnitTestBase.

    • If the test case requires a real database, environment or backend environment, but needs to interact with external components (Remote Flink session cluster, Hadoop cluster), it's recommended to write the test case by directly inheriting SpringIntegrationTestBase.

  5. It's only recommended to use integration tests on critical test links to avoid making the CI overhead time too long and the resource load too heavy.
