Download Apache StreamPark
The Apache StreamPark supports Scala 2.11 and 2.12. The dist file name rule is: apache-streampark_${scala.version}-${streampark.version}-bin.tar.gz,e.g:apache-streampark_2.11-2.1.5-bin.tar.gz apache-streampark_2.12-2.1.5-bin.tar.gz The 2.11/2.12 is a version of StreamPark adapted to Scala, the 2.1.5 is a version of StreamPark. Download which one depends on the user's Scala version of Apache Flink/Spark, users need to download the file of StreamPark that matches the Scala version of Apache Flink/Spark.
The latest release
Version | Date | Source | Binary | Release notes |
2.1.5 | 2024-10-18 | source ( signature | sha512 ) | apache-streampark_2.12-2.1.5-bin.tar.gz ( signature | sha512 ) apache-streampark_2.11-2.1.5-bin.tar.gz ( signature | sha512 ) | release notes |
All archived releases
- Previous releases of StreamPark may be affected by security issues, please use the latest one.
Verify the releases
It is essential that you verify the integrity of the downloaded files using the PGP or SHA signatures. Please download the KEYS as well as the .asc/.sha512 signature files for relevant distribution. After you download the file, you should calculate a checksum for your download, and make sure it is the same as ours.
Download PGP KEYS and the release with its .asc signature file. And then :
gpg --import KEYS
gpg --verify apache-streampark-***.asc apache-streampark-***.tar.gz
sha512sum --check apache-streampark-***.sha512
The software is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.